Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wk3 Reading: Art of Possibility, Chapters 7- 9

WAKE UP! It's time to take your sleeping pill.

I get a kick out of reading Zander's view on life in general. He reminds us of the fragile and short time remaining in life that we as a human race fail to realize. That the self is not about the "self" but a part of the self that is called a society. Putting an exclamation point on the actions we take when performing (that being any activity that's worth doing right) makes all the difference in how we are perceived as well as how others react to us.

In his book, he uses Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata as an example how behavior, tone and even body language can change perception:

What does this means to me? Well, for one, I'll start driving slower and perhaps let people pass me without getting upset. I'll change my radio station from demonic head banging to NPR Classical music... OR NOT!

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