Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week 4 Project - My UDUTU-LIST of activities

The following is link for my UDUTU project. ENJOY!

The Color Challenge

I am simply at a point in my educational career where I may have finally felt a sense of accomplishment. This comes after having my project "work-properly" after much debugging and perhaps expanding on some profane linguistic vocabulary of my own choosing.

I look back on this project and have realized that the most aggravating part of the project was not thinking about being able to get it done but that once is was completed, the barricades I had before were attributed to careless rushing and, well - as we engineers say: "If at first you don't succeed, read the instructions". This brings me to a point which I believe many of you "FATHERS" (not to discount the mothers but you'll see what I'm getting at in a few lines...) have experienced and are faithfully entrenched in the belief that if you can save some time, bypass the logical, and go with the natural instincts of brute force and explicit words to impose your will on getting that tricycle assembled.

That being said, there is an apology to be given to all those women whom through their kind nature and logical sense of being have softly whispered in our ears: "HONEY, PERHAPS ASKING THAT KIND ATTENDANT IN THE GARAGE FOR DIRECTIONS WOULD GET US THERE SOONER".

Within that long silence after these words and actually finding the place after listening to her, she remained un-assuming, humble and bubbly through out!. SO MEN, DO YOUR SELF A FAVOR, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS or face the consequences of hearing those dreaded words that were create by WOMAN GOD - "You should have listened to me - SEE- I TOLD YOU SO!"

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