Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week 4 reading - "The Board" I don't agree with this!

I read the chapter on "The Board" - Lewis Carol's Alice in Wonderland and I came out feeling a little biased (well, actually madder than a tornado in a trailer park) as to what he's telling us. That in no way are we "EVER" or should "EVER" feel like it is someone else's responsibility for what happens to us? This is so obscured that some one can think that through the mere power of suggestions, I should have known that my woes in my life were totally under my own control and that others who may have contributed to it were solely "egged-on" to do so?

In the board, an example is given of a driver that through no fault of his own, was rear ended at a stop light. It continues to say that because he knew of the risks he was taking on a daily bases when driving, this should have been an expected event?

If that's the case, I'm inclined to believe that this was written by the same people who took this country for a ride with the lending institutions wiped our country of it's life savings and that it was our fault for believing in a system that promised fairness and honest communication in the safeguarding of our well being and so forth. Well, it just goes to prove that, this country is really a great one! They allow even the most ridiculous authors to make statements and try to impress others with ideas and theories that by far, should be considered "WORDS TO THE UN-WISE"

By the way, I have a bridge to sell you - REALLY CHEAP!

1 comment:

  1. Jorge, we definitely need to get together over graduation and chat about life. I partially agree with wht you state here. The book was inspirational and had a lot of good ideas and practices until I got to this chapter.

    There is some sense to what is being said but not to the extreme as both you and I read. I firmly believe that we can look at a situation from both sides to better understand but we should not put full blame on anyone, including ourselves. The situation of being hit by a drunk driver would not be my fault because I got in a car. That's like saying the people in the World Trade Center on 9/11 had fault for being at work that day.

    There is some sort of balance, it just seems to be missing from the way the Zander's put this chapter together. Thanks for confirmiing it just wasn't me who was missing something here.
