Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week 4 - Comments on Bianca Woods - Dream Job!

I can empathize with you in having a dream so close enough and just as so, having it blown away by the reality of economics, demographics or even the pure fact that there are many who'd you have to compete with sharing the same dream.

This is a good time to reflect on the following:

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish, then, he'll learn to survive! BUT - If you help him buy a fishing trawler - well then, now you've gone beyond the world of teaching and into the world of thinking. Thinking beyond the traditional limitations is what makes a dreamer more valuable than a teacher. A dreamer provides an out to what is considered the mundane and unchallenged.

Helping this man buy a fishing trawler, you then encourage the local economy to partake in the activity. That fisherman employs others, others supply the change of demand, and then.... Well, you get the idea.. Perhaps overly simplified in theory but something to consider when the challenge seems far fetched.

@ Bianca Woods

What I thought was my dream job, teaching, has a lot standing in my way. First, where I live there's just way more teachers than teaching positions, and the unfortunate reality is that because my degrees are from the US rather than Canada it's harder for me to even get considered for interviews. But even if I could get back into the classroom, the world in there isn't my dream environment. I want small class sizes and an environment where students can explore their passions, and most schools have huge classes and strict curricula. There's also a huge gap in what technology is out there for education and what is actually used in schools, which just drives me nuts. Funding for education is completely undervalued these days, which is unfortunate to put it lightly. These days I'm out of the classroom and working as an instructional designer. It's not my dream job, but it's pretty close. The work is interesting and I think my boss is great. I admit, though, that I miss being in front of a classroom actually teaching. I'm hoping I'll have some opportunities in the future to actually teach the material I'm writing, but it's not for sure yet. In a world where everything was perfect I'd likely be teaching at a school like Full Sail. I love that many of the assignments we've been given are pretty open-ended and let us follow what we're deeply interested in, and that's the kind of environment I'd love to work in.

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